Congregational Resources

Congregational Resources

ALOA resources span a broad spectrum of topics that impact ministry by, with and for older adults. Utilizing multiple delivery systems, information, ideas, facts and figures are added on a continuing basis.

A variety of resources, including videos, books and study guides are categorized into 5 key areas that resonate with older adults: intergenerational, health and wellness, independence to interdependence, caregiving and end of life. 


More than 30 short format videos, most under three minutes in length, are ideal discussion starters. Many of these videos have a corresponding Bible study. All educational aids are downloadable and can be reproduced for class or small group use.


ALOA's newsletter features in-depth treatment of important subjects and are archived for download. High-traffic eblasts are posted in addition to other items of interest. For example, a worship service to celebrate God’s gift of older adults is complete with prayers, readings and suggested hymns.